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Thoresby Class - Year 4

Dear Children and Parents,

Welcome  to Thoresby class, I hope you are all looking forward to this next academic year. I am looking forward to teaching you all this year and I know that we will have lots of fun. 
We will be learning about lots of exciting things this academic year. Each half term, a curriculum newsletter will be sent home to inform you of the learning for that half term. 

Reading Books

Reading will continue as before. Children will be given a book and will be expected to read at least three times in a week. Books will be changed on a Friday. The reading log will need to be filled in each week by grown ups to confirm that children have read three times that week. This log also provides an opportunity for you to share how your child has found the book through a series of questions and a comment box. Reading logs will be checked on a Monday.


Homework will be given out to the children on a Friday and the hand in date will be the following Wednesday. Homework will be based on work that the children have been doing in class with a focus on Maths and GPS.  


This year the children will be given a spelling book with their spellings for the week. Children should practice their spellings at home ready for the spelling test on the Friday.

Times Tables Rockstars

In preparation for the Multiplication Check for Y4 children in June, please continue to support your child to learn their times tables. Times Tables Rockstars is a fantastic resource for this and your child's password can be found in their reading diaries. 


P.E. lessons will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.  Children should come to school wearing the appropriate school sports clothing for P.E. Earrings should be removed or covered and long hair should be tied back. Children do not need to bring their uniform. 

Morning Routine

Please ensure that your child is lined up on the back playground at 8:40am.

Please can I ask for pencil cases to be left at home for this next academic year so that this limits any risk of belongings being lost or damaged. All equipment needed will be provided by school. Children are welcome to bring a book bag or school bag if they wish.
Again, please feel free to contact me if you or your child has any questions or worries in the next year.

Miss L. Tomlinson

Thoresby Diversity Representatives

Thoresby Take Five Representatives 

Thoresby School Council Representatives

Thoresby Worship Leaders

Thoresby Eco Representatives