Elmton Class
Hello and welcome to Elmton Class!
A BIG welcome to everyone in Elmton Class, I hope you are all ready for a fun and exciting year! I am Miss Earle and I will be your teacher. We will also have Mrs Butterfield working with us this year.
Here are the names of the topics for this year:
Autumn Term 1 - Explorers
We will be learning about who explorers are, where they have travelled and when they travelled. We will also be learning about Ibn Battuta and why is a significant person.
Autumn Term 2 - Wonderful Weather
In this topic, we are going to be learning about weather and climate. We will be ordering months and identifying seasons. We will be exploring the different types of weathers which happen in each seasons.
Spring term 1 - Inspirational People
What makes people inspiring to others? We will be looking at Sarah Forbes Bonetta who was an African princess.
Spring term 2 – African Adventures
We’ll be learning all about a Zambian village and how the village is different to the Uk. We will start to understand what it is like to live near a river and wild animals.
Summer term 1 – History of our Highstreet
We will be learning about how Worksop High Street has changed, what was in the shops, what it was like to shop for food and how people would pay for their purchases.
Summer term 2 – Spectacular Shireoaks
We will be exploring the school grounds and local area, learning about how we could support and encourage plant life.
Reading Books
We will be giving out a new reading book each week so that you can practice your reading at home as often as you like. We require all children to read at home at least three times a week. Please fill in the reading diary every time you have read. If you have read three times that week, we shall add a stamp on to your reading rangers bookmark! When your reading rangers bookmark is full then you shall receive a certificate. Please hand in your books every Monday morning so that they can be changed and given back to you.
Homework and Spellings
You will be given a homework sheet that will include a task to complete as well as some phonics and spellings tasks. Any tasks will need to be sent into our class email - elmton@st-lukes.notts.sch.uk. This will be given out on Friday and should be emailed in on the Wednesday. The task will be a fun task either about something we have been learning about in class or researching something for the following week. Let me know if you have any trouble accessing a computer at home for these tasks. You will be rewarded for how hard you try with tree tokens.
Our P.E lesson will be every Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning. Please come to school wearing the appropriate sports clothing for P.E. The PE kit is a plain or school logo white, green or yellow t-shirt and plain black trousers or shorts. Sensible outdoor shoes will also be required. No football kits are to be worn please and earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters before coming to school.
Please can I ask for all other equipment such as pencil cases etc. be left at home. All equipment needed will be provided by school. You will only need to bring your own lunchbox (if you are not having a school lunch), drinks bottle and a book bag. Your child will get the opportunity to show items during show and tell. Please can I ask that all uniform/bags/bottles are clearly labelled.
Again, please feel free to contact me if you or your child have any worries in the next year.
Thank you,
Miss K. Earle