Rufford Class
Welcome to Rufford Class!
I hope you have all had a great summer and are ready to be back in class! You all know me very well now as we worked together last year, but I am still looking forward to creating lots of new memories and learning new things. Mrs Green will be working with us again this year, which is great news!
Here are the topics for each term:
Autumn term 1 – Time to Remember - We will be learning all about World War One and the importance of remembering.
Autumn term 2 – All Around the World - We will be reading and writing our own stories this half term and will be looking at the continents and oceans across the world too. We will be learning more about the artist Katsushika Hokusai and will be creating our own seascapes, alongside all of the usual Christmas festivities!
Spring term 1 - Diversity and Differences - What makes us special and unique? We are going to be learning more about inclusion and diversity this half term, thinking about the ways in which we are all special.
Spring term 2 – Animal Magic! - This half term will allow us to find out more about different animals and where they live across the world. We will be comparing hot and cold places in Geography and creating our own animal mechanisms in DT!
Summer term 1 – Football Fever! - We will be studying the history of Walter Tull this half term and finding out more about what football tournaments used to be like. We will also be reading 'The Unlucky Eleven' and writing mystery stories.
Summer term 2 – Close to Home - For our final half term, we will be staying closer to home and studying the UK and our local area. We will also learn more about famous landmarks across the UK!
Reading Books
Each Monday, we will collect reading books in and provide you with a new one, if the book has been read to the end. As children begin to read longer books, it may be that they keep the book for a second week so that they get the opportunity to finish each story and reflect on what they have enjoyed about the text. We require all children to read at home at least three times a week. Please fill in the reading diary every time you have read, even if this reading is not a book provided by school. If you have read three times each week, we will add a stamp to your reading bookmark, which is on display in the classroom. When your reading bookmark is full, you will receive a certificate
Homework and Spellings
Each Friday, you will be given a homework sheet that will include a task to complete as well as some phonics and spellings tasks. Please can completed tasks be brought back into school or sent to our class email - Homework will be given out on Friday and should be emailed or brought to school the following Wednesday. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing a computer at home for these tasks. The spelling test will be on a Wednesday each week too.
Our PE lessons will be every Thursday and there will also be a half an hour session with Tony on a Wednesday. Please come to school wearing the appropriate sports clothing for PE. PE kit is a plain or school logo white, green or yellow t-shirt and plain black trousers or shorts. Sensible outdoor shoes will also be required. No football kits are to be worn please and earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters before coming to school.
All equipment that your child needs will be provided by school. I am happy for children to bring in their own pencil cases if they have them, however they are then their responsibility. You will need to bring your own lunchbox if you are not having a school lunch as well as a drinks bottle and a book bag. Your child will get the opportunity to show items during show and tell, and you will be notified in advance if it is your child's turn to bring something special in. Please can I ask that all uniform/bags/bottles have names on as otherwise we cannot guarantee that items will be returned if they are lost. We have limited cloak room space this year, so please can children only bring to school what they need for the day.
In a morning, children will need to line up at the junior entrance by the wall and will be dismissed from the corner near Little Acorns.
Please feel free to contact me if you or your child have any concerns throughout the year. The best time to speak to me is after school, but I am also available via the class or office email where you can arrange an appointment for a phone call or meeting.
I am looking forward to welcoming you all back into the class and having another great year of learning!
Miss Phillipson