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This week, we have thought about what bullying is and how it can make people feel. Can you remember what bullying is? Think about how it is not a one-off incident, but targeted negativity towards someone. We looked at some different scenarios and discussed whether they would be bullying and how the other person could deal with it. We shared ideas such as tell a trusted adult, ask them nicely to stop and talk to a friend. We will continue this next week as part of our work on Anti-Bullying Week smiley

  • Anti-Bullying Week

We continue our learning on behaviour this week by focusing on hurtful behaviour. We learnt what this is and all provided some examples of it. We talked about how pulling hair, pushing each other, calling people names and isolating people are examples of hurtful behaviour. We shared that hurtful behaviour is negative and can make people feel sad, upset, frustrated and angry. We also learnt how to deal with hurtful behaviour and the importance of speaking to a trusted adult. 

This week, we have been discussing the difference between surprises and secrets. We talked about how these two things make people feel and the pressure of keeping secrets. We learnt more about the negative aspects of secrets and how surprises are only kept for a short time and how they are positive. 

To bring together all we have learnt this half term, we focused on who we ask for help and the language that we use when asking for help. We discussed what it means to be brave and to have the courage to speak up when you don't think things are right or if you feel worried or unsafe. We reiterated the importance of speaking to a trusted adult and to deal with problems rather than ignoring them and allowing feelings to build up.