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Pupil of the Week
This week's superstar has been working so hard on her writing for the last few weeks! She concentrates carefully on her presentation and is including lots of relevant details during our Reading lessons. She has impressed me because she is so committed to her learning and is always looking to make improvements. She is also kind and helpful and always thinks about others. Her confidence is growing and we are super pleased to have her in the class - she is the best role model and an absolute asset to us!
Our Pupil of the Week has been awarded for a super first week back at school following the half term break. This pupil has been so enthusiastic about our learning, particularly our reading text 'The Great Kapok Tree' and contributed very well to class discussion. He was very engaged and wanted to read more of the book during break times. He has tried hard to be more independent when working and is making great progress, identifying different letters and sounds. Well done!