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The Special Educational Needs Coordinator is Miss L. Tomlinson.

The school follows Nottinghamshire County Council's policy of following a graduated response to supporting children with SEND.

In the first instance all children receive support from their class teacher.

Where this support is not enabling the children to make progress the class teacher will draw up provision or attend training, including on-line training, to target the support to match the child's needs more effectively.

The next step is to involve the school SENCO, Miss L. Tomlinson, to discuss and support the child's needs and to explore the need for additional training and specific interventions.

If the child is still making slow progress the school will seek further advice and support from the Worksop family of schools.

If additional support is needed the child may then be referred to specialist services from Nottinghamshire County Council's SEND team, which may include an Educational Psychologist.

They may then recommend the school apply for an EHC plan.

  • The SEND Local Offer
    Information from Nottinghamshire LA in an attempt to bring together helpful and useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families, regardless of the complexity of need.

SEND Local Offer overview with BSL

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Nottinghamshire SEN Parent/Carer Survey

Nottinghamshire County Council and its partners across Education, Health and Social care would like to hear about your lived experiences as parents/carers of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) of SEND services and provision in Nottinghamshire.

The Nottinghamshire SEND Accountability Board leads on the co-ordination of services for children and young people with SEND. The views gathered in this survey will be presented to the board to impact changes in future services and provision. The survey will be carried out again in 2024.

The survey link can be found here: