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Our Distinctive Christian Ethos, Vision and Values

Our distinct Christian ethos permeates through school life; Christian values underpin all we do and all we strive to achieve. We have a talented and dedicated team of staff and governors, who are committed to making this happen. 

Our school curriculum embeds a Christian Concept curriculum, developing learning and knowledge acquisition, communicated and underpinned by Matthew 12:31-32, as we strive to develop our pupils like the mustard seed.

The Kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed...Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds can come and perch in its branches.

The journey through St. Luke's C of E Primary School will give every member of the school community the opportunity to Work Together, Grow Together and FLOURISH together, underpinned by our eight key values.

Friendship - Love - Originality - Understanding - Resilience - Integrity - Selflessness - Hard Work