Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging
Our Diversity Champions
Our First Diversity Champions Task
Our first job as Diversity Champions was to choose some more inclusive books to add to our school collection. Each of the Champions got to choose a book from Books4Topics that they thought would be beneficial or interesting to the rest of the school community. They then chose another four books for each of the classes to vote on, with the top two from each group (EYFS, KS1, LKS2, UKS2) being purchased to add to the collection.
Next steps for the Champions!
Following on from our book delivery, we have decided that the champions will lead a circle time activity with our Key Stage 1 and Early Years classes so they can hear one of the books they have voted for being read. They will then have a discussion about the book, led by the champions.
Bobby also suggested that we display our books in a nice way for all to access, with explanations on how we came to choose these and what the books are about. We are now working on this together and will upload photos once this is finished!
Diversity Champions Updates
Our Diversity Champions have been busy this half term completing a pupil voice survey with children across school! They have been asking children whether they feel included at school and how we can support them more. We asked questions relating to a sense of belonging too.
The Year 6 champions have also written an article for the Shireoaks Newsletter, sharing what we have been doing in school. You can read this article in the latest edition of the newsletter.