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Cultural Capital

At St. Luke’s we provide a broad and balanced curriculum that facilitates the development of cultural capital for all of our children. We recognise the importance of ensuring that all of our children have the necessary opportunities and experiences to gain the knowledge, behaviours and skills to effectively demonstrate their cultural awareness, knowledge and competence and to be successful in life. We want all of our children to be successful as part of the school community, local community and wider community. We want all of our children to experience success now and as they move to the next stages of learning and the world of work.

At St. Luke’s, we recognise that personal development, social development, physical development, spiritual development, moral development and cultural development all contribute towards cultural capital.

Ofsted, defined the term 'cultural capital', in 2019, as:

... the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.

Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman called cultural capital “a golden thread, woven through everything you do to teach children well”.

Through all that we offer, at St. Luke’s, we aim to develop confidence, resilience and encourage all of our children to have high expectations of themselves and others and to strive towards achieving their individual aspirations.

We want all of the children at St. Luke’s to be proud and confident of their own cultural identity and to appreciate the cultural identities of others.

Examples of  learning experiences and opportunities to build the cultural capital of the children can be found on the class pages of the school website.