Collective Worship
Collective Worship is an integral part of the day at St. Luke's CE Primary School and one that children and staff value highly. It takes place at 10am each day. On Mondays, we have a Pupil of the Week Collective Worship, where each teacher chooses someone who has been following our Golden Expectations over the past week. On Tuesdays, we meet as a whole school to look at our termly theme, with Bible focussed stories and teaching. On Wednesdays, we meet with our own class to continue to look at our termly theme, with time to discuss and respond to reflection questions. On Thursdays, we look at current news and affairs from around the world and apply these to Bible teachings. On Fridays, we celebrate the children's achievements both in and out of school, with our 'Fabulous Friday' Collective Worship.
This half term, our theme for Collective Worship is Our Emotions.
Week Beginning 1st July
This week, we thought about what makes us feel frightened. We thought about how it can make us feel. We learnt how God can help us when we feel frightened and how we can pray to tell God our fears. We read the Bible, looking at 1 John:
‘There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear is by suspicion, but he who fears is not grown up in love. No fear exists where his love is. Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear.’
1 John 4:18
We thought about who loves us and wrote this on a heart shape. We held a lego brick and thought about our fears and placed the brick in the heart to represent how our loved ones can help us with our fears.
Week Beginning 24th June
This week, we learnt about the feeling of jealousy. We thought about how it makes us feel and what it can make us do. We thought about and shared ways to stop feeling jealous. We learnt we should talk to a trusted adult if we are feeling jealous and try to focus on the things that we are good at instead.
Week Beginning 17th June
This week, we focussed on happiness and thought about what makes us happy and what we can do to make others happy. We thought of things we can do this week that will make us happy and make others happy.
Week Beginning 10th June
This week, Rev Louise talked to us about what to do if you are feeling worried and how God doesn't want us to worry and looks after us. We watched a video based on Matthew 6:25-34:
'“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? '
This week, in class collective worship, we celebrated refugee week, reading 'My name is not refugee' by Kate Milner and discussing what refugees are and issues surrounding this.
Week Beginning 3rd June
This week, Rev Louise led worship on Tuesday and read us a story about little people and how they learnt that everyone was different and special in their own ways. On Friday, we continued to think about feelings and we focussed on feeling worried and how we can overcome our worries. We learnt that we can pray about our worries, we can talk to others and try to distract ourselves from our worries.
Week Beginning 13th May
This week, we have had class collective worship time. We have started a new focus on emotions and looked at anger. We read 'When I feel angry' by Cornelia Spelman and talked about how we feel when we feel angry. We thought about one of the fruit of the Spirit being self-control and we thought about ways to control our anger. This week we have also had an outside collective worship, focussing on the sky and God as creator.
Week Beginning 6th May
This week, we learnt about Ascension, where we remember when Jesus ascended into heaven. We thought about Jesus as king. We wrote prayers or reflections on spirals to hang from the ceiling in our reflective areas.
Week Beginning 29th April
This week, we learnt about the Jewish festival of Passover and how it is celebrated. We have also been reviewing our school vision in our class collective worship time.
Week Beginning 22nd April
This week, our Eco Committee led collective worship. They told us about recycling and about a new bin system they have set up to recycle paper and card. They helped us to know which bins to use for different things and why we should recycle. We also continued to think about our school vision this week in our class collective worship time.
Week Beginning 15th April
In our first week back after Easter, we looked at a book called 'I am enough' by Grace Byers. We thought about how we may all look different and we all have different personalities but we should treat each other equally and love one another, as Jesus commanded in John 13: 34. We have also spent some time revisiting our school vision and thinking about different aspects of it.
Week Beginning 25th March
This week we had our Easter Service. Rev Louise Bearder from St Luke's Church led our service. Creswell class performed a short drama of the events of Palm Sunday. Elmton class performed an Easter poem. Rufford Class retold the story using some work they had done. Clumber class and Thoresby class both performed songs. Sherwood class read prayers they had written and Welbeck class read the Bible readings.
Week Beginning 18th March
This week, we learnt more about Palm Sunday. We listened to the story of Palm Sunday and thought about how pleased the crowds were to see Jesus. We thought about Jesus being greeted like royalty. We learnt how Palm Sunday is celebrated.
Week Beginning 11th March
This week, Helen came in from St Luke's Church to talk to us about God's love. Helen told us that God's love never runs out. She cut the corner off a rectangular piece of paper and it made more corners! She kept cutting corners off the paper to give away and more corners were made. This is like God's love. We should share it with others and it will never run out.
This week we also celebrated Red Nose Day, raising money from having a non-uniform day.
Week Beginning 4th March
This week, the Pupil Worship Leaders led collective worship, teaching us the story of when Jesus healed a blind man. We thought about why the religious leaders were upset about this and whether Jesus was right to heal the man on the Sabbath. We talked about the faith of the blind man. This week we also celebrated International Women's Day. We thought about famous women in history and what their achievements have been. We thought about our own dreams and goals.
Week Beginning 26th February
This week we learnt about the story of Jesus healing the group of leper and how to calmed the storm. We thought about the faith of Jesus's disciples and the lepers and how they trusted in Jesus. We thought about what the stories tell us of the power of God.
Week Beginning 19th February
This week we celebrated the start of Lent with Ash Wednesday. Helen Murray and Ginny Harris-Shaw came from St Luke's Church and talked to us about what Lent means. They put ash on the foreheads of those who wanted it as a sign of forgiveness.
Week Beginning 5th February
This week we celebrated Internet Safety Week. We learnt about how things have changed online and how those changes make us feel. We talked about who we can go to to help us stay safe online.
Week Beginning 28th January
This week, our pupil worship leaders again led our collective worship. We read Proverbs 6:6 'Go and watch the ants. Watch what they do and be wise'. We thought about Aesops tale of the grasshopper and the ant and how hard ants work and how we should work hard too.
Week Beginning 22nd January
This week, our Eco Committee members led collective worship. They introduced our school action plan and explained what they hope to do over the school year to help the environment. In our class collective worship, we looked at more wise words: ‘Careless words stab like a sword. But wise words bring healing.' (Proverbs 12:18). We thought about words that heal and wrote them in our reflective areas.
Week Beginning 15th January
This Tuesday, our Pupil Worship Leaders led collective worship. They introduced our new theme of 'Wise Words' We learnt about King Solomon and read 'It is better to get wisdom than gold. It is better to choose understanding than silver.' Proverbs 16:16. We played a game to think about which words are wise and thought about how our school values help us to be wise.
Week Beginning 8th January
This week, we celebrated Epiphany. We listened to the story of the Three Wise Men and completed our theme of 'Follow the Star', thinking about what goals we aim to work towards this New Year. In our Picture News collective worship, we looked at the question 'Are emojis an important part of communication?'
Week Beginning 18th December
This week, we have concluded our Advent reflections on Follow the Star. We have learnt about the Kings and the People. We have thought about the Kings' role in the Christmas story and the gifts they brought. We considered what talents and skills we have that could be shared and how we can show love and kindness to others this Christmas time.
Week Beginning 11th December
This week, we had our Carol Services. Key Stage One had theirs in school and Key Stage Two had theirs in church. Well done to all the children who took part in reading prayers and Bible stories and performing songs!
Week Beginning 4th December
This week, Helen Murray from St Luke's Church visited us and talk to us about the Christmas story. We thought about the different names of Jesus, how he is described in the Bible as as powerful as a lion and how the Bible tells us that Jesus was there at the beginning of time.
This week, we also began our Advent reflections, Follow the Star and we began these by focussing on the shepherds. We thought about how lots of different types of people are included in the Christmas story and thought about how we can make everyone included in things at school.
Week Beginning 27th November
This week, we learnt more about our school vision 'to live life to the full and respect and care for all'. We learnt about the teaching of Jesus to love thy neighbour as thyself in Matthew 22:39 ad thought about how we can do that both in and out of school.
Week Beginning 20th November
This week we learnt about our School Vision 'Create a happy and safe world for all' and thought about how God asked us to look after the world in the book of Genesis in the Bible. We thought about how we can do this at school and in the woder world.
Week Beginning 13th November
This week, the children have learnt more about Diwali, learning what and how it celebrates. We have also learnt about our School Vision, looking at 'Let your light shine' and thinking about how we can shine in the world.
Week Beginning 6th November
This week, we learnt about our Golden Expectation 'Do look after property'. We thought about how God asked humans to look after the world in the book of Genesis. We also commemorated Remembrance Day on Friday, having two minutes silence and remembering the people who have and who do protect our country. Some children read poems they had written and some led prayers they had written.
Week Beginning 9th October
This week we looked at our Golden Expectation 'Do be Honest' and learnt about the story of Zacchaeus. We learnt how Zacchaeus learnt to be honest with himself and with Jesus - and Jesus changed his life! This week, in class collective worship, we also learnt what invitational worship is and how our worship time is invitational.
Week Beginning 2nd October
This week, we have looked at the Golden Expectation 'Do Listen'. Some children acted out the story of Mary and Martha listening to Jesus. We talked about listening carefully in class so that we improve our learning. This week, in our class collective worship time, we also learnt about the Mid-Autumn or Moon festival, celebrated in China.
Week Beginning 25th September
This week, we celebrated Harvest Festival. Each class presented various work, including prayers, poetry, paintings, Bible readings and songs. We enjoyed celebrating and saying thank you for God's creation and our food. This week in class collective worship, we learnt about our Golden Expectation 'Do work hard' and read the story of Noah's Ark.
Week Beginning 18th September
This week, we have learnt about our Golden Expectations 'Wear a smile' and 'Do Be Gentle'. We read Psalm 23, learning how Jesus can be seen as being gently like a shepherd and we talked about how we can be gentle. We read Matthew 5:16 which says we should 'let our light shine' and thought about how we can do this in our school and community.
Week Beginning 11th September 2023
This week, we have learnt about our Golden Expectation 'Do be Kind' and we acted out the story of the Good Samaritan. Helen Murray from St. Luke's Church also visited us and led collective worship on Wednesday, learning about kindness.
Week Beginning 10th July
This week we looked at the line 'Forgive us our sins'. We listened to the story of Zacchaeus and learnt how God forgives us of anything we do wrong if we ask Him. On Thursday we had our class collective worship with our new teachers on the theme of 'Moving On'. We watched a video of hermit crabs and looked at how they get larger shells as they grow! We read Isaiah 41:10:
'So don’t worry, because I am with you.
Don’t be afraid, because I am your God.
I will make you strong and will help you.
I will support you with my right hand that saves you.'
Week Beginning 3rd July
This week, we looked at the line from the Lord's Prayer 'Give us today our daily bread' and learnt what this means. We learnt the story of God providing manna (bread) for the Israelites in the wilderness and thought about how God provides everything we need.
Week Beginning 26th June
This week, we have learnt about the words 'Your will be done, as it is in heaven'. We thought about what heaven might be like and what God's will is. We prayed the 5 finger prayer to pray for different people in our community. In our Picture News collective worship, we looked at the news story of the children who survived their time in the Amzonian jungle. We thought about what being brave means and linked this to the story of Daniel in the Bible.
Week Beginning 19th June
This week, we looked at the line 'Your Kingdom Come'. We thought about what that means, and read the story of The Mustard Seed from Matthew 13:31,32. We thought about how big things grow from small things and about how little things that we do can make a big difference. We continued to learn the sign language for The Lord's Prayer.
Week Beginning 12th June
This week in Collective Worship, we looked at the line 'Hallowed be Your name' from the Lord's prayer. We thought about the meaning of some of our names and listed all the names for God we could think of and thought about what they meant. In Picture News this week, we looked at how we can show others our support and about who supports us.
Week Beginning 5th June
This week we have begun our theme of prayer. We have looked at what prayer is and have begun to look at the start of the Lord's prayer and what it means. Our worship leaders helped us to learn the first line of the Lord's Prayer in British Sign Language. They hope to teach us two lines each week! You can see a video of the Lord's Prayer in sign language below.
Week Beginning 22nd May
This week, the Eco Committee spoke to us and updated us on their work towards the action plan. We also heard how each class is taking part in litter picking as part of the Kingdom Come Event the diocese is running. On Wednesday, we looked at our theme of Justice and each class discussed any areas of injustice they felt strongly about, thinking about what they could do to help others.
Week Beginning 15th May
This week we have celebrated Ascension Day. Helen Murray came in from St Luke's Church to lead Collective Worship. The worship leaders shared some facts about what Ascension Day is and why it is celebrated. Some of Thoresby Class read prayers they had written. This week, we also looked at the 'Create a happy and safe world for everyone.' part of our school vision.
Week Beginning 8th May
This week, we have been thinking about our theme of Justice. We have read the story of Blind Bartimaeus from the Bible and thought about how we treat people with disabilities and about justice for all. We have read 'All The Colours We Are' by Katie Kissinger and thought about racial justice. We have also looked again at the part of our school vision 'Respect and care for all'. This is our focus for next week's Pupil of the Week.
Week Beginning 1st May
This week we have celebrated Pupil of the Week and in our Picture News collective worship we thought about how we celebrate significant events. On Friday, we learnt about the coronation and what will happen. We thought about what makes a good king and what might be on their 'to be' list and what might be on our 'to be' list. We read Matthew 5: 6-9 and Matthew 5: 14-16, looking at how Jesus wants us to shine as lights in the world. We thought about how this relates to our school vision. We also sung a song specially written for the coronation. You can find it here: Our King | Coronation Song | (Lyric Vid) Songs For School ft. Blue Coat School Coventry #Coronation - YouTube
Week Beginning 24th April
This week, we have learnt what social justice means - equality, fairness and equal rights and opportunities for all. We learnt that justice is very important to God. The Bible says:
‘For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice; upright men will see his face.’
(Psalm 11:7)
We learnt that God wants justice in His world and that we should want it too.
This week we have also focussed on 'Live life to the full' from our school vision. The teachers will be choosing someone from the classes who does this in next week's Pupil of the Week collective worship.
Week Beginning 17th April
This week, Danielle Johnston from St. Luke's Church has visited us again and led a Collective Worship about what happened after Jesus died. We learnt about the Great Commission and how Jesus wanted his followers to tell others the Good News about him. Danielle did an experiment with food colouring, looking how a few drops spread through a glass of water, just like the Good News can if we tell others.
This week, we have also had a focus on the first part of our school vision - 'Let your light shine' and the teachers will be choosing someone from their classes who they feel does this for next week's Pupil of the Week Award.
Week Beginning 27th March
This week we have learnt more about Palm Sunday and Easter. This Friday, we held our Easter Service. Each class contributed to the service by performing drama, songs or reading prayers or readings from the Bible. Helen Murray from St. Luke's Church led us in worship and spoke about the meaning of Easter being love. She told us to remember, when we eat our Easter eggs, that they remind us of the empty tomb and that we should show God's love by being kind.
Week Beginning 20th March
This week, we have learnt about the events celebrated on Palm Sunday. We learnt how Jesus was greeted as a King and we remembered Jesus as King! We also learnt about Ramadan this week and how and why it is celebrated.
Week Beginning 13th March
This week, Danielle Johnston from St. Luke's Church led our Tuesday Collective Worship. She told us the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers and how only one came back to say thank you! We thought about what we were thankful for. This week, we also learnt the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. We learnt how we can trust God with anything and said our own prayers, thinking of this.
Week Beginning 6th March
This week, we have learnt about the liturgical colours in church. We learnt what the colours symbolise and when and why they are changed. We learnt that the current colour is purple for the church season of Lent. This is displayed in each of our class reflective areas. We also learnt about International Women's Day, finding out about some inspiring women. We thought about our own dreams and goals.
Week Beginning 27th February
On Tuesday, Danielle Johnston from St. Luke's Church came in and told us the story of Jesus being tempted in the desert. She used an orange to show how God's armour, His Word, the Bible, protects us. On Wednesday, we learnt more about Lent and why and how Christians celebrate it.
Week Beginning 20th February 2023
This week, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday and the start of Lent, Ash Wednesday. We learnt about why we make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and some classes made pancakes! We learnt about the meaning of Lent and Ash Wednesday. On Wednesday, our family worker from St. Luke's Church, Helen Murray and Rev. Louise Bearder from St. Luke's led Collective Worship. We thought about how Lent is a time to look in and to look out and thought about how we can help our famillies. The children had the opportunity to receive an ash cross on their foreheads.
Week Beginning 6th February 2023
This week, our Worship Leaders have performed a drama to retell the story of Noah's Ark. We thought about how Noah followed God's commands and was faithful to God and how he worked hard, thinking of our Golden Expectation.
In our class Collective Worship, we have learnt about Mother Teresa. We have thought about how she helped others and how her work relates to our school vision of 'Let your light shine, live life to the full, respect and care for all, create a happy and safe world for everyone.'
Week Beginning 30th January 2023
This week, we had the pleasure of Danielle Johnston from St. Luke's Church coming in to lead Collective Worship! She talked to us about loyalty. We watched a video of the story of Daniel and Danielle talked about how we can show loyalty to friends and loyalty to God.
Also, this week, our Eco committee led a Collective Worship and introduced our new Action Plan, sharing the themes and actions planned for this year.
In our class Collective Worship, we learnt about Rahab and how she helped the spies who were working for Joshua. We thought about how to be faithful to God and reflected on the question: 'How can we help others?'