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Our Visits to St. Luke's Church

Christmas 2022

Each class had a Christmas performance of songs and readings at Church in December. Parents were invited to attend. Foundation Stage children acted out the Christmas story and looked great in their costumes. Welbeck class sung some traditional carols and there was a lovely Christmas atmosphere. 

Easter Service 1st April 2022

We met in separate Key Stages this year, and Helen Murray led us in worship for our Easter services. Each class performed a variety of songs and dramas showing parts of the Easter story and children read prayers and Bible readings. 

Welcome Service and Harvest Festival Sunday 10th October 2021

We had a welcome service and harvest festival as part of the Sunday morning service at St. Luke's Church. Some children read Harvest prayers they had written and each child attending received a welcome certificate and was prayed for. Food donations were given to Worksop Food Bank. 

Harvest Service at St. Luke's Church -Monday 14th October 2019

The whole school walked to church to celebrate our Harvest Service on Monday afternoon with Reverend Lima leading the service. Well done to all classes for their contributions to the service.

Welcome Service-Sunday 15th September 2019

It was lovely to see some of the children new to St. Luke's in church for this special welcome service. The children enjoyed receiving their certificate from Reverend Alex.