Eco School
Eco School 2023-24
Summer Half Term Two
This half term we have been very busy! We had a Community Canal Clean. Parents and children met and carried out a litter pick along the canal. Despite a little rain, we all enjoyed this and picked three bags of litter.
We have also ran a Uniform Swap. We had lots of donations of clothes and many people took some away to reuse. We sill have some left over - please ask if you would like to reuse some! We hope to put it out again for people to take at the end of term.
We celebrated World Environmental day on 5th June. We got dressed up and learned a lot about how to care for the environment. We collected plastic items and turned them into marine sculptures.
Our Eco Committee have also been busy putting together tips for plastic-free lunches. You can see them here and they are also sent out with the school newsletter.
Summer Term
This term, we have started to make sure that the lights and projectors or screens are turned off at playtimes. We are light monitors as well as Eco Committee members!
We are celebrating World Environment Day on Wednesday 5th June by learning more about the environment. We will be wearing animal themed clothes and plan to make marine sculptures using recycled plastic. Watch this space!
We are also planning to do some litter picking along the canal on Monday 1st July after school at 4pm. Please come along if you can! Children will need to be accompanied by an adult please.
We are also planning a school uniform swap on the afternoon of Sport's Day - the 5th July. Please save your old uniform and coats and bring them along to swap - help the environment and save money!
Spring Term
This term, we have started by sharing the action plan with the whole school. Our Eco Committee led a collective worship and shared the areas we are working on and our planned actions.
We then held another collective worship where we explained how we are going to recycle paper and card. We introuduced everyone to our new bin system and made sure everyone knows which rubbish to put in which bin. We explained why we should recycle and what happens to the things that we recycle.
This term, we have also been busy monitoring which lights are left on around school at playtimes. We are going to become light monitors and make sure they are turned off!
Autumn Term
This term, we have voted for our class members of the Eco Committee. There are 2 from each class. We also have some parent members this year. Each class completed part of the Environmental Review, answering questions about different eco areas. We then chose 3 areas which had low scores. We chose:
We then planned some actions for these three areas. We have put together an action plan for the year. We hope to work jointly with St Luke's Church on some of these events.