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Clumber Class - Year 3

Welcome to Clumber Class!

We are going to be learning lots this year and having fun! Each term, you will receive a curriculum newsletter to let you know more about the topics and work we will do. Your teachers are Mrs Cushing, who you have on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Mrs C.Green, who you have on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We also have Mrs Y. Green and Mrs Butterfield working with us. 


Homework will be given on on Mondays and expected to be completed by the following Monday. For homework, we expect you to read to an adult three times a week and to complete three games a week on Spelling Shed and Times Tables Rock Stars. You will get weekly spellings given on a Tuesday and will be tested on these the following Tuesday. These will be the same spellings that are on Spelling Shed.  


Our P.E. days are Tuesdays and Fridays. Please come to school wearing your P.E. kit on those days. Long hair should be tied back and no jewellery should be worn. Earrings should be removed if possible, or covered. 

Please ensure your child is lined up on the back playground by 8.40am ready for the school start at 8.45am. Can we please ask that all toys and pencil cases are left at home - all learning equipment will be provided by school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do contact us, we are available most days after school or you can email

Mrs Cushing and Mrs C. Green