PSHE and RSE at St Luke's
The aim of RSE and PSHE is to help children build healthy friendships and positive relationships in an age appropriate way. The overall objectives of the curriculum are concerned about raising awareness of attitudes and values, developing personal and social skills and promoting knowledge and understanding. RSE covers more than biological facts and information. It endeavours to help children develop self-esteem and self-responsibility as well as the acquisition of understanding and attitudes, which prepare children to develop caring, stable, healthy relationships. Appreciation of the value of self-respect, dignity, marriage, civil partnership and parental duty should be encouraged in all pupils together with the sensitivity to the needs of others, loyalty and acceptance of responsibility.
We believe that education in PSHE and RSE enables children to become healthier, more independent and more responsible members of society. We encourage our pupils to play a positive role in contributing to the life of the school and the wider community. In so doing, we help to develop their sense of self-worth and self-belief. We teach them how society is organised and governed and ensure that the children experience the process of democracy through participation in the school council. We teach children about their rights and about their responsibilities. They learn to appreciate what it means to be a positive member of a diverse and multi-cultural society. Our relationships education ensures children understand healthy, respectful relationships, including online. We teach about mental wellbeing and encourage the children to develop resilience and character to help them achieve their goals. The key skills overviews for each year group are not exclusive and are a case of continuous development throughout school.
Lessons are delivered to mixed-ability teaching groups based on age; however, a variety of teaching and learning styles will be used to ensure effectiveness and differentiation. The teacher will discuss and establish ‘ground rules’ at the beginning of every lesson, which will enable everybody to discuss openly and honestly without fear and embarrassment or judgement. All teachers will endeavour to create a supportive environment for all pupils.
Our teachers assess the children’s progress in PSHE and RSE by observing their participation in class and their relationships with their peers and adults. We have clear expectations of what the pupils will know, understand and be able to do at the end of each Key Stage. Teachers will also implement appropriate interventions for pupils who they have identified as needing additional support. We do not set formal examinations in PSHE or RSE. The assessments that we make of pupil achievement are positive and record achievement in its widest sense.
Progression of Knowledge
The document below outlines the key skills and knowledge children will work towards throughout each year group. It also explains what pupils will learn, which is split into three categories; relationships, living in the wider world and health and wellbeing. The content of this document has been made through the PSHE long term plan and the Essentials curriculum.
Long Term Plan
From September 2021, teaching of PSHE will follow the below plan. It is based on the PSHE Association scheme of learning and ensures that children are accessing all relevant topics throughout their time at primary school and that progression is clear through the year groups.
School Policy
Please see our new Personal Social Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy below. This has been written as Relationships Education is now compulsory in all schools.
We welcome feedback on this policy and would like you to contact us if you have any concerns, questions or comments about how we are planning to deliver this subject.
The format of the document may change but the content will remain the same.