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Week beginning: 11th November, 2024 - Celebrating World Nursery Rhyme Week

We have had so much fun this week celebrating 'World Nursery Rhyme Week'. We have enjoyed learning a new rhyme each day and we have also been extremely creative and made something that links to the rhyme. We have made star wands, hand-printed farm animals, junk-model ships and Incy Wincy spiders.

We were also very lucky to have lots of special visitors in school on Wednesday, to help us celebrate this week. Mrs Fullerton (from Story, Rhyme and Song time). came to sing lots of nursery rhymes with us as well as playing games with scarves and claves. It was also a great opportunity to invite all the Little acorns staff and children over to also enjoy this wonderful experience. All the children and staff had so much fun. What a super week!