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Week Beginning 9th September

FairTrade Fortnight! We learnt more about what the word 'fair' means, discussed the chocolate making process and identified some continents where cocoa is grown.

We have been learning all about the suffixes 'ing' and 'ed' in Phonics this week, and today we summarised what we had learnt so far. Have a look at our amazing learning!

In English, we have been using 'The Rainbow Fish' to begin our learning. We are aiming to write a character description and will publish these, hoping to show Mr Bell and Creswell Class our amazing work! We have also been learning when to use capital letters and full stops and have been writing sentences to practise this. 

In Maths, we have been using a range of concrete resources to identify place value. We were able to group objects into tens and use our knowledge of the ten times table to count the objects easier. We have learnt about the value of two-digit numbers and have been using a place value grid to identify the number of tens and ones in each number.

In PE, we began our topic of ball skills by practising a range of different throwing and catching techniques, using different sized balls.

In PSHE, our learning on friendships continues. This week, we focused on how we are similar and different to our friends and identified what we have in common. We began our Geography lessons, where we identified the planet we live on, before naming each of the seven continents and locating them on the world map. In RE, we started to think about what God means to each of us and drew images that represented this. In Art, we used a range of different sketching pencils to investigate different shades and how we can create different effects using pencil.