Autumn and Julie from VIA came to talk to us about the importance of road safety. We learnt about traffic and pedestrians and played a game of true or false! We found out more about how to keep safe around the roads - well done Rufford Class.
Your eyes aren't deceiving you - this week we did make Christmas cards and listen to Christmas songs! We made them this week so that orders can be placed and Cauliflower Cards can process them in time for the big day. You should have your letter and parent codes ready to order your items - please support the school fundraising if you can!
Jeans for Genes - thank you to all of the children who came to school wearing their jeans and donated £1 to charity. We learnt a little more about what genetic conditions are and designed our own jeans to celebrate!
In English, we have been adding to our learning from last week by concentrating on adjectives, verbs and adverbs in order to enhance our descriptive writing. We used commas to separate our adjectives to create some lovely descriptive sentences and also practised writing noun phrases. We brought all of our learning together to write our descriptions of the Rainbow Fish towards the end of the week!
In Maths, we continue to study place value and have been partitioning numbers and using our knowledge to write two-digit numbers as words. We have started to use the number line to place numbers too, to show our understanding of the value of each one.
In Geography, we have learnt about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom and have been identifying the capital cities of each country. We read lots of interesting facts about each of the four countries and answered some questions to show what we had learnt.
In Music, we were working together to listen to the piece of music 'I am a Robot' and discussed the different sounds we could hear. We identified some instruments and grouped them, based on the sound they made or the material they were made from. We thought about different ways we could use our instruments alongside the 'I am a Robot' song and performed our ideas to the rest of the class!
In PSHE, we worked together in groups to learn more about working cooperatively. We discussed what the word means and suggested ways in which we could show cooperative working with others.
In our first Science lesson this week, we identified a range of different materials and talked about what we might use them for. We categorised the materials into different groups based on their properties. In Phonics, we have been continuing to study different suffixes, this time focusing on 's' and 'es' suffixes to make root words plural. In RE, we learnt about the creation story and what Jewish people believe happened on each day.