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Week Beginning 23rd September

We have been learning all about instructions this week and have been using Paddington as our inspiration! We made our very own marmalade sandwiches and then wrote some instructions on how to make marmalade sandwiches and then how to take a bath!

We learnt more about sharing information online and how to be safe, before using Purple Mash to safely search and filter information.

This week in PE, we have been continuing to develop our ball skills by bouncing and then catching balls at different speeds and across different distances!

In Science, we have extended our learning of materials by focusing on objects that are made from each of these. We had to work together to categorise objects into the materials they are made from and created some of our own suggestions too.

In Phonics, we have been focusing on prefixes this week - 're' meaning to do again and 'un' meaning not. We have put all of our prefix and suffix learning together to make some super long words! In PSHE, we discussed what can cause arguments between friends and began thinking about how to overcome these. In RE, we have been learning more about how we can care for the environment and we have learnt more about the countries that make up the UK in Geography. Our Maths learning has centred around ordering and comparing numbers and objects using <, > and = signs. Well done Rufford Class!