We were super lucky to have a visit from The Dogs Trust and Ali told us all about how to stay safe around dogs and respect their boundaries. She also shared with us what to do if we didn't want a dog to stay near us. We even learnt some sign language relating to space and snuggles!
For our English this week, we have been learning all about Remembrance and are writing letters to soldiers to ask questions and tell them how we remember them through memorials, silence and poppies. Alongside this, we made our own purple poppies to remember the animals and these will be displayed at school.
In Maths, we continue to learn more about addition and subtraction, using our number bonds to ten to help us with new methods. In History, we began our learning on the Great Fire of London and have been really interested in finding out more about how the fire started, making comparisons between houses in 1666 and today. In Science, we focused on what animals and humans need to survive. In RE, we thought about the birth of Jesus and who came to visit him.