Planting with Mrs Phillips - thank you so much for coming in and spending time with us. We all learnt something new!
Our school raised over £100 for Children in Need! Well done everyone :)
Thank you to everyone who has come to school in odd socks this week to support Anti-Bullying Week! As part of this, we have been learning about what bullying is and how it can make people feel. We learnt more about respect and how we show respect to others.
In English, we have been reading 'Vlad and the Great Fire of London' and we spent some time ordering key events of the story on a timeline to ensure we have a good understanding of it. We then thought about questions we would like to ask Vlad, before thinking from his perspective to answer these questions. We have started to write our diary entries and these are looking fabulous!
In History, we continue to learn about the Great Fire of London and have been focusing on the causes and consequences of the fire this week. We learnt more about the weather at the time, the Lord Mayor and fire hooks and concluded that there were lots of small things that added together to cause the fire, rather than it being just one. We looked at different pieces of the puzzle and created a 'big picture' - well done!
We have started our reading lessons this week and these have been wonderful! Well done to all of the children for such an excellent transition into this new lesson. We are focusing on 'Toby and the Great Fire of London' in reading and started by predicting what the text may be about, using evidence from the book. We then used dictionaries to study some unfamiliar vocabulary and find out what these words mean.
Our first Computing lesson this half term gave us the opportunity to learn some new vocabulary surrounding coding. Some of these words and concepts are super tricky so we will keep revisiting them in each lesson.
Our first session of Team Games! We are building resilience, perseverance and teamwork skills during this session. This week, we had to work together to move our team and our hoops from one place to another, but we could only stand in the hoops. We also did some balancing activities to focus fully on our physical movements.
In RE, we have been focusing on the Christmas Story and learning more about the journey Mary and Joseph made before Jesus was born. We made angels and thought about the part they played in the birth of Jesus.
In Science, we have been learning more about the word 'offspring' and identifying the animals and their offspring.
We have been learning about stereotypes in PSHE, this week focusing on how we are similar to each other and celebrating this. We used Jigsaw Jo to facilitate our discussion and thought about the assumptions we might make about girls and boys.
In Maths, we are almost coming to the end of our addition and subtraction topic, this week focusing on adding two 2-digit numbers. We will continue this next week, before learning about subtracting two 2-digit numbers as well.