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- Rufford Class - Year 2
- Week Beginning 18th November
Week Beginning 18th November
In History, we found out more about Samuel Pepys and the significance of his diary, which was written during the Great Fire of London. in 1666. We read extracts from the diary and retrieved key information from it.
In Reading, we started our VIPERS questions and became more familiar with how to answer and present these, thinking about what the acronym means. We learnt that retrieval questions allow us to pick out the information directly from the text, whereas inference questions mean we are making our own assumptions based on what we have read and we have to use the word ‘because’ in our answers to provide evidence to support our ideas. V is for vocabulary, and vocabulary means words!
In English, we have been studying different figurative language in poetry, such as metaphors and personification. We wrote our own metaphors to describe London in 1666.
We have learnt more about animal and human life cycles in Science and wrote some of our own coding algorithms in Computing. We also begin to practise the songs for our Nativity performance and there are some great ones in there! More on the nativity in the ‘homework task’ section.