‘The Fleece Force!’ was amazing and the children were so brilliant, they should feel very proud of themselves. Thank you to all of the grown ups for supplying costumes and supporting us at both performances.
We used our knowledge of colour mixing to create backgrounds for our Great Fire of London artwork! We created a landscape picture which included a range of different colours in order to show the effects of fire. We then added silhouettes to show some of the buildings that were involved in the fire.
In Science, we learnt more about different food groups and how much of each food we need to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. We discussed how to celebrate difference and diversity in PSHE, focusing in on the story of 'B' and how we could help them to feel included. We found out more about newspaper reports and the features of these in English and continued to identify properties of 2D shapes in Maths. Finally, we held our Christmas Craft Afternoon and had a wonderful time spreading joy (and glitter!) through the classroom! Thank you to all who joined us