Mathematics at St Luke's
On this page, you will be able to find out more about what we teach in Mathematics and how we teach it at St Luke's. This year, we have decided as a school to follow the White Rose Scheme to continue develop our approach to Mastery, which enables us to promote a creative and enjoyable curriculum.
Our school vision is:
'Let your light shine, live life to the full, respect and care for all, create a happy and safe world for everyone.'
In Mathematics we aim to produce confident and resilient mathematicians who know and understand the purpose, relevance and importance of Mathematics in their everyday life, making sense of the world around us. A high-quality mathematical education provides the children with the appreciation for the power of mathematics, the ability to reason mathematically and solve real life problems.
At St. Luke's, we are committed to providing a creative and inclusive curriculum, which inspires, engages and challenges children through practical activities, exploration, discussion and support. In turn, this promotes their curiosity, enthusiasm and enjoyment for the subject. Teachers and staff have good, up to date knowledge of the curriculum and the content taught at each year group. Our Mathematics planning is largely based on Schemes of Learning from White Rose Maths, as promotes kinaesthetic learning. This ensures children acquire fluency of skills by introducing concepts in a practical and concrete way, which progresses to pictorial then abstract.
At St Luke's, our teachers regularly assess the children's progress in Mathematics, by observing the children working, listening to the children taking part in discussions, asking differentiated questions and marking work. The children also self-assess their work on a daily basis against the learning objective and success criteria, using the traffic light system. The children also self-mark their work within lessons, which supports children in recognising their strengths and areas for development. We aim to ensure that children progress through year groups feeling ready to develop and build on their knowledge and skills.