RE at St. Luke's
Here you will find more about our teaching of RE at St. Luke's. Our school vision is:
'Work together, Grow Together, FLOURISH Together'
As a deeply Christian school, we place great value on the teaching of RE and treat it as a core subject. It is essential for the spiritual, social, cultural and moral development of the children at our school.
At St. Luke's, we aim to equip the children we teach with the knowledge and understanding of Christianity as a global faith and of a range of religions and world views in order to develop the understanding, tolerance and acceptance of others. In our RE lessons, we ensure that the children engage with questions of meaning and purpose to explore, develop and express their own ideas. We enable the children to develop their own religious, spiritual and philosophical ways of living, believing and thinking.
RE is taught every week as a discrete subject. Staff are well trained and have up to date knowledge or the RE curriculum. We use the 'Understanding Christianity' materials as a basis for our teaching of Christianity and core concepts such as 'Salvation' and 'Incarnation' are studied and developed each year as the children move through school. In KS1, Christianity, Judaism and other religions relevant to the children are studied. In KS2, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism are studied and in Year 6, the key beliefs and practices of Humanism are also learnt. Displays and work show differentiation and progression of knowledge and understanding as the children move through school.
At St. Luke’s teachers regularly assess children against our curriculum expectations. We aim to ensure that children progress through year groups feeling ready to develop and build on their knowledge and skills. We check on the progress of the children through analysis of their work and provide verbal and written feedback to the children to enable them to progress.
Useful Websites
On Friday 2nd December, we made Christingles to help raise money for the Children's Society. The children worked together to make their own christingle and learnt about what the different parts of a christingle represent. We came together as a whole school for a Christingle service and learnt how the Children's Society help others. To give to this charity, please click on the link: