Computing at St. Luke's
Here you will find out more about how Computing is taught at St. Luke's. Our school vision is:
'Let your light shine, live life to the full, respect and care for all, create a happy and safe environment for everyone.'
The teaching of Computing provides valuable life skills and prepares the children with the skills and knowledge needed for future careers. It develops problems solving, logical thinking and creativity.
Our teaching of Computing includes the aspects of Computer Science, Informtation Technology and Digital Literacy. We have a strong emphasis on online safety, which we cover at the start of each year, on Internet Safety Day and at other times, linked to the children's learning. We enable children to use a variety of software to communicate, solve problems, collect and present data and to create programs and animations.
We teach Computing as a discrete subject in order to develop skills and knowledge, though other subjects may use technology to enhance learning. We use Purplemash, an online platform, which provides the software needed and provides a progression in the skills and knowledge developed by the children. The children are able to access this at home and at school. Teachers have up to date knowledge of the curriculum and of the software. Teachers differentiate to support or challenge the children as appropriate. Children are given written or verbal feedback on their work.
At St. Luke’s teachers regularly assess children and upload data onto our assessment programme ‘Depth of Learning’. Clear progress is demonstrated across the year groups using this system. We aim to ensure that children progress through year groups feeling ready to develop and build on their knowledge and skills. We check on the progress of the children through analysis of their work and provide verbal and written feedback to the children to enable them to progress.