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- Sherwood Class - Year 5
- Autumn Two - Ancient Greece
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- Homework - 08.11.2024
Homework - 08.11.2024
Homework set: Friday 8th November
Homework due: Wednesday 13th November
For your homework this week, please can your children design and create their own sock puppet in light of Anti-Bullying Week, next week. We can't wait to put them up on display!
Homework is due in on Wednesday 13th November.
Please continue to encourage your child to read at least three times a week and record it in your child's diary. Each week your child will get sticker on the Remarkable Readers chart and they will receive a prize.
Please can your child bring their reading book and reading diary to school everyday. Reading books will continue to be changed on a Friday.
This weeks spellings: abundance, brilliance, elegance, extravagance, tolerance, hesitancy, relevancy, vacancy, dominancy, abundancy
Here is the link to the website: https://www.edshed.com/en-gb/login
Times Table Test
On a Friday, Sherwood Class will be having a times table test. For this week, please can your child continue to practise all of the times tables ready for their test on Friday 15th November. Please try and encourage your child to use Times Tables Rockstar to practise their times tables.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Miss C. Browes