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Creswell Class

Hello and Welcome to Creswell Class
Foundation Stage Two


A BIG welcome to everyone in Creswell Class. I hope you are all ready for a fun and exciting year. Below are the names of some of the topics we will be covering this year:

Autumn 1 - My world - It’s all about you! Let’s introduce ourselves, let’s share where we live and who our family is. We will also be learning about our bodies. How many bones do we have in our body? Why are all our eyes different colours? Let’s celebrate being you!

Autumn 2 - Once upon a time…- Take a journey through some of the greatest stories of all time. From traditional stories involving an extremely hungry wolf to an incredible adventure with a lost stick!  What is your favourite story of all time?

Spring 1 - Dinosaur Planet -Stomp, crash, RRRAGH! Watch out everyone - the dinosaurs are on the prowl! They’re rampaging across the dusty earth, swishing their enormous tails and baring their fearsome teeth…Let’s explore the Dinosaur Planet! Doyouthinkhesawrus? Yes he did… RUN!

Spring 2 - Splendid skies - Imagine floating high above land and sea on a bed of clouds, silently sweeping by in the breeze. Back down to earth, let’s take a walk outdoors. But what should we wear? Wellington boots? A sun hat? Maybe a warm coat? How do we know what the weather will be like today? Which weather do you prefer? Sunshine, snow, storms or showers? Get your wellingtons on - let’s go!

Below I have tried to answer some questions that will hopefully give you more of an insight into our school day. If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call or send an email.

Who will be my teachers in Creswell class?

Your teacher will be Mr Bell and Miss Halpin will be your teaching assistant in Creswell Class every day. Mrs Cushing (Teacher) and Tony (Sports coach) will also be teaching in our class on some of the days. If your grown – ups have any questions please tell them to either give the school a call (01909 475821) or an email to our school office or class email on: or . The best time to call Mr Bell is after school, as you can appreciate that during the morning we need to register and begin lessons. Miss Halpin will be on the gate each morning.

Which day do I need a P.E Kit and what shall I wear? –

Our P.E day is on a Wednesday with our sports coach Tony and myself. This term you will need to come to school in your P.E kit so if it is cold you may want to wear our school jogging suit and suitable plimsolls/trainers. Long hair must be tied up and no jewellery please. Also make sure your name is in everything!

When do I need to hand my homework in?

We won’t be giving out any home learning at the moment. However, when we do begin this, you will be given a book called a ‘Learning Journal’. In this book will be any messages from myself and a short homework task/spellings etc. This will be given out on Friday and collected in on Wednesday. The task will be a fun task either about something we have been learning about in class or researching something for the following week. It will also include a list of phonic sounds and keywords to practise for the following week. Let me know if you have trouble accessing a computer at home for these tasks. It would also be great if your grown-up could write about how you got on with the task or any other messages they would like to let me know. You will be rewarded for how hard you try with tree tokens. You can also write a comment/message in these books, if you want to ask me anything.

Will I need to do some reading at home?

We will be giving out a new reading book each week so that you can practise your reading at home as often as you like. Please can you ask a grown-up to fill in your reading diary each week so that we can see if you have read at least three times. You will be bringing home your own reading diary, so that your grown-ups can write their comments in there. We will check this at the end of each week to see how you have been doing. If you have read three times/three comments that week we shall add a stamp on to your reading rangers bookmark! When you have completed this you will receive a certificate. You should always hand in your book every Monday morning so that they can be changed and given back to you. We will also be sending home a book that we call our ‘share a story’ book that you can choose from our book trolley. This enables you to also listen to your grown-up reading a story to you.

Can I bring my own toys in from home?

No, unfortunately all your toys must stay at home unless I ask you to bring something in for show and tell or our Fabulous Friday assembly but we do have lots of lovely toys for you to explore and play with while you are at school.

Will I be having a snack?

We will be having a piece of fruit/veg and a drink each morning. Water will always be on offer at anytime during the day. So don’t forget to bring your water bottle each day. Please make sure your drinks bottle is labelled too! You will receive school milk if you have previously applied for this online.

What happens at home time?

We will open the gates at 3.15pm and send you to your grown-up at the gate as we see them. If there is anyone different that may collect your child then please inform school by giving them a call or an email to our office.