Clumber Class
Welcome to Clumber Class!
Hello Clumber Class. This year, we have Mrs Butterfield, Mrs Mills and Mrs Batters working with us! We can't wait to make lots of new memories and learn new and interesting topics!
Here are the topics for each term:
Autumn term 1 – Stone Age and Iron Age
Autumn term 2 – Rainforests
Spring term 1 - Romans
Spring term 2 – North America!
Summer term 1 – Ancient Egypt
Summer term 2 – Rio and Brazil
Reading Books
Children will be given a reading book every Monday and this must be read at least three times a week. Parents/carers need to sign the reading diary every time the child has read. If you have read three times a week, a stamp will be added to your reading bookmark and when this is full you will receive a certificate. Although reading books will be changed on a Monday, please can children bring them into school every day so myself and other staff members can listen to them read.
Homework and Spellings
Every Friday children will be given homework as well as spellings. These tasks can either be brough back into school or sent to the class email Homework should be handed in on the following Wednesday. Spelling tests will be carried out on a Friday.
Our PE lessons will be every Wednesday with Tony and Thursday taught by myself. Please come to school wearing the appropriate sports clothing for PE. PE kit is a plain or school logo white, green or yellow t-shirt and plain black trousers or shorts. Sensible outdoor shoes will also be required. No football kits are to be worn please and earrings need to be removed or covered with plasters before coming to school. Children do not need to bring their uniform and will come home in their PE Kit.
Children can bring their own pencil cases, however they are then their responsibility. Children need to bring their own lunchbox if they are sandwiches along with a drinks bottle and a book bag. Just a reminder that can children's uniform and belongings please have names on.
Please feel free to contact me if you or your child have any concerns throughout the year.
I am looking forward to this year and all the fun we will have!
Miss Marsh.