Thoresby Class
Welcome to Thoresby Class!
Dear Parents/Carers and Children,
Welcome to Thoresby Class! I hope you are looking forward to the next academic year. My name is Miss Browes and I am the Year 4 Class Teacher.
We will be covering a range of exciting and interesting topics this year. Our first topic will be the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings where we will learn about why they moved, where they lived, and the food they ate etc.
As well as the Anglo-Saxon and the Vikings, our topics for this academic year are Rivers, The Maya, Rainforests, Ancient Civilisations and The Amazon. Every topic will have a learning overview that will be shared with parents and carers and can be viewed on our class page.
School Bags and Pencil Cases
Children are welcome to bring their own school bags and pencil cases to school this year. However, children will need to be aware of and responsible for their own items of stationary. We will have everything they need for lessons in school, so the use of a personal pencil case is entirely optional.
We have a cloakroom area where children can hang up their coats. Please only bring what you need for the day, as the cloakroom is small and also to minimise the amount of personal items we have in class.
Reading Books
Reading will continue as before. Children will be given a book and a reading diary. They will also be expected to read at least three times in a week. If your child has read three times in a week, they will receive a sticker on their bookmark. Reading books will be changed on a Friday, although books and diaries should be in school every day please, so that I can listen to children read.
Homework will be available on the class webpage on a Friday and the hand in date will be the following Wednesday. Homework will be based on the work that the children have been completing in class. Please email your homework to or bring it into school by 4pm on a Wednesday.
P.E. lessons will continue with Tony on a Wednesday and with myself on a Thursday. Children should come to school wearing a correct school PE kit, consisting of a green, yellow or white T-shirt with plain black shorts or joggers. Children do not need to bring their uniform and will come home in their PE Kit.
If you or your child has any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or through the school office.
I am looking forward to seeing you all.
Thank you,
Miss Browes