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Sherwood Class

Dear Parents/Carers and Children,

Welcome to Sherwood Class, I hope you are all looking forward to the new year and returning to school in Year 5. I am looking forward to teaching you all and I am sure we are going to have fun and enjoy all the different topics and learning we will achieve together. 

Our first topic will be The Shang Dynasty where we will learn all about Ancient China. 

Over the course of the year, we will also be exploring Mountains, The Ancient Greeks and Planet Earth, when we will be learning about Space, as well as a variety of animals and climates on our planet.

Morning Routine

The children will line up on the back playground and enter school through our own classroom door. 

The children will be dismissed from the bottom of the front playground at the end of the school day. 

Reading Books

Children will be given a new reading book during the first week and will be expected to read at least three times in a week. Books will be changed and reading diaries checked on a Monday, although books and diaries should be in school every day please. The children will also have the opportunity to select books from our class library and the Year 5/6 library and are encouraged to read these alongside their book banded book. 


Homework will be given out to the children on a Friday and the hand in date will be the following Wednesday. Homework will be based on work that the children have been doing in class with a focus on either Maths or English most weeks.  Please email homework to the class email address by 4pm on a Wednesday. Please Note: While our class name is Sherwood, the spelling sheerwood on our class email address is the correct email.  

Weekly spellings and times tables will be tested on a Friday.


P.E. lessons will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Children should come to school wearing a correct school PE kit, consisting of a green, yellow or white T-shirt with plain black shorts or joggers. Children do not need to bring their uniform and will come home in their PE Kit. 


Swimming lessons will take place in the second half of the school year. More information on this will be provided nearer the time. 

Personal Belongings

Please can I ask for pencil cases to be left at home this year, this limits any risk of belongings being lost or damaged. All equipment needed will be provided by school. Children are welcome to bring a book bag or school bag if they wish, this will be stored in our cloakroom. Children should only be bringing to school the items they need for the day.

Golden Time

This year for our class, Golden Time will be on a Thursday afternoon.

If you or your child have any questions or concerns about the school year, please feel free to contact me via email or phone through the school office.

I look forward to working with you all this year.

Mrs. Martin