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- Class Pages 2023 - 2024
- Rufford Class
- Spring 1 - Diversity and Differences
- Maths
This week, we are moving on to multiplication and have been learning more about equal groups, the multiplication sign and multiplication sentences. We have been using a range of different vocabulary to describe multiplication and have been using and drawing our own images to aid understanding. We are now beginning to write our own multiplication sentences and can represent these visually!
We continue to learn more about multiplication and this week have also been working on division too! We started by looking at the division sign and discussing what it means, before applying our knowledge to the two times table. We have been drawing circles to represent equal groups and have also been discussing doubling and halving.
We have been identifying odd and even numbers this lesson and ended it by playing a dice game where we had to add two numbers and then identify whether it was odd or even.
We are learning more about money over the next couple of weeks and have made a fantastic start! We have identified all the different coins and notes and have then been counting money in both pounds and pence. We have sometimes had to count money that includes both of these! Please make sure that you can identify all of the coins and notes with confidence - do some practise at home to help
We made our own shop to consolidate our learning of money and were able to be shoppers and shopkeepers. We chose some items and priced them up, thinking carefully about the value of items. Then, we went to other shops using some of the coins to buy new items, with shopkeepers giving out the correct change.
A big well done for creating your own shop at home!