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This week we have been focused on flexibility and control, thinking about adding precision to our movements and balances. We have been using the apparatus again whilst focusing on this new element and have also been using a range of different equipment to help us develop our skills. 

We have been practising our jumps and balances this week, working together to support each other. We demonstrated some different jumps, such as tuck, pencil, star and half turn. We were able to apply some of these when jumping from equipment. 

This lesson, we discussed different balances and used the apparatus to practise our balancing and movement, whilst being at height and climbing! We also used some other floor apparatus and had to think about moving from one area to another and how to be safe when completing movements. We learnt about flexibility and control too. 

This half term we are focusing on Gymnastics and have spent this lesson discussing safe use of the equipment and different travelling methods. We have been using different apparatus to balance, climb and jump, remembering to bend our knees on our landing. Have a look at some pictures of our lesson below.