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Over the past couple of weeks, we have been learning more about the internet. We started by discussing the devices we can use the internet on and what we use the internet for. We suggested things like iPads, laptops and phones but were also surprised to learn about cars and watches! We shared that we can use the internet for things such as shopping, research, maps and communicating with others.

Following this, we learnt more about using the internet and how information on there is not always factual. We discussed different examples and chose whether we thoguht they were true or not, giving reasons for our choices. Then, we thoguht about reasons why people might post untrue information online and how we can verify the information we find on there. 

This lesson, we began to think about the groups and communities that we are a part of. We discussed the groups that are out of school, such as gymnastics, football or Rainbows, but we also talked about being part of the Rufford Class group and the St Luke's group! We thought about how being part of a group makes us feel, and how it aids our feelings of security and inclusion. 

We have been thinking about different rights and responsibilities, thinking carefully about the differences between these. We talked about the rights that we have as individuals within school, but also within the community as part of the UN Rights of a Child. We also discussed the Protected Characteristic of age, which means that we cannot be discriminated against because we are children. Then, we looked at our own responsibilities both inside and outside the classroom, applying our knowledge of our school Golden Expectations but also the British Values too. 

This week, we have thought about how part of a community makes us feel and how we should be treated. We discussed that we all have the same rights and should be treated equally, regardless of our differences. Again, we talked about how this relates to Respect and Tolerance, which are some of the British Values. Well done everyone for a super understanding of kindness and equality!