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- Rufford Class
- Spring 1 - Diversity and Differences
- Reading
Our new focus text is 'I Wish I'd Been Born a Unicorn' which is a lovely story about a horse who wishes to be a unicorn in order to gain more friends. We have been making predictions supported with evidence again and are becoming much more competent at this! We also used dictionaries for the first time to find definitions for unfamiliar vocabulary and discussed our opinions on the text.
This week, we have read our new focus text - 'Through the Eyes of Me', which is a book surrounding a character named Kya who has autism. The book tells us all about her, her likes and dislikes and how she should be treated. We began by thinking about the front cover and blurb of the book, making predictions supported by evidence. We then learnt more about some tricky vocabulary - words such as 'infectious', 'sensitive', 'communicating' and 'absorbing'. We formed our own opinions on the text, suggesting improvements and things that we still wanted to know about Kya, before finally taking on the role of Kya and answering some questions from her perspective.
We have been studying some of the pages in the book in more detail this week, thinking about the vocabulary, making inferences and retrieving key information from the text. We worked together to learn more about how to answer questions using full sentences and have been practising our formation, capital letters and full stops, alongside using evidence to support our answers.