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- Rufford Class
- Autumn 2 - All Around the World
- Geography
In Geography this half term, we are focusing on locational knowledge and will be learning more about continents and oceans around the world. We started our learning by thinking about where we are in the world and learnt new terminology such as 'county' and 'hemisphere'. We learnt that we are part of Europe and were able to use maps to locate the UK and also Europe.
This week, we have been learning about the 7 continents and locating them on world maps. We have discussed again that we are part of Europe and could locate the UK on the map - well done! We started to use compass points - North, South, East and West - to identify where continents are located.
Have a listen to the song below to remind yourself of the continent names!
This week, we have been using maps to identify and locate the oceans around the world. We learnt which ocean we crossed when moving between different continents and applied our learning in Maths to discuss the shape of the world! This helped us understand why the Pacific Ocean is shown twice on the world map
We have been applying our understanding of continents and oceans and where they are located on the map by piecing together our own copies of the world map!
Then, we studied human and physical features that appear on each continent. We looked at important landmarks and discussed whether they were a human feature or a physical feature. We worked in groups to complete our landmarks for each continent and then shared our findings with the rest of the class.