This half term, we are going to be learning more about dance in our PE lessons. This week, we focused on listening carefully to instructions, following a beat and repeating movements. We created some firework based movements and changed the pace of our moves depending on the pace of the music.
This week, we worked successfully in groups to produce our own routines, which we then performed to the rest of the class! We were showing what we can already do in dance, so that we can all progress and develop our knowledge and skills.
Next, we have been focusing on mirroring and working together with a partner to produce the same movements at the same time. We had to look and listen carefully to our partners in order to be in time with each other. We also had to focus on the rhythm of the music too so that our movements were in time to the beat!
This week, we thought carefully about how we transition between moves during dance performances. We even included some mirroring from last week in our routines! We shared different ways of moving and attempted a range of these. Have a look at some photos below