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This half term in Science, we continue to learn about animals including humans. We started this lesson by thinking about what animals need in order to survive and we learnt that they need air, food, water and shelter. We discussed how animals and humans may consume these in different ways, but they are all needed for all animals. We learnt that elephants use their trunks for water, humans will drink water from a tap, wild animals use rivers and streams for their water and fish absorb water through their skin! Also, humans usually eat around three times a day, but we also discussed animals that eat one meal and then may have to wait for days before another meal due to having to hunt for their food or hibernation.

For our lesson this week, we learnt more about hygiene and how it is important to keep ourselves clean in order to protect us from germs. We discussed tasks such as showering, brushing our teeth, washing our hands and sneezing into a tissue. The character we met was Dirty Bertie and we had to help him become more hygienic!  

We have continued studying humans this week, thinking about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. We learnt that humans need at least 10 hours of sleep a night and should exercise for at least 30 minutes a day. We looked at a balanced diet, learning about carbohydrates, protein, fats, dairy products and different fruits and vegetables. We talked about how we should have more carbohydrates and fruits and vegetables on our plates and how we can have sugary treat - but not all the time!