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Monday 17th June

Today, we learnt about a Paralympian called Silvania Costa Del Oliveria  who is a visually impaired athlete. We watched videos of her performing the long jump in the Paralympics and compared it to the long jump in the Olympics. We discussed how it is different but also how it is similar. 

After, we went on the field and used the running track to practise our long jump technique. We practised a few times before having a go blindfolded. We discussed how it felt different, whether it was harder and how their running technique changed.

Tuesday 18th June

Fir our sports today, we did yoga.

Wednesday 19th June

Fir our sports today, we participated in a workshop by a SJR coach. We learnt how to dribble and pass the ball, as well as playing a game of football, learning how to score a goal. The children loved playing a range of games, including the traffic light game. When the light was green, the dribbled the ball fast. When the light was orange, they dribbled the ball slowly and when the light was red, they stopped. 

In PE with Tony, they practiced their balancing and jumping skills.